New top story on Technology News: Ask HN: What are your thoughts on ChatGPT as a professional?

Ask HN: What are your thoughts on ChatGPT as a professional?
13 by demyinn | 10 comments on Hacker News.
I’m going a new graduate starting an internship. It’s imperative that I do well to receive a return offer. In job search, I’ve built projects with Chat GPTs help. I didn’t tell gpt to just build me a project and I copy and paste but I genuinely use it as a “Jarvis” like Tony stark. That said, is there any stigma with using ChatGPT in the workplace? I don’t like to use gpt to code for me. I like to use gpt as an imaginary person who collaborates on projects. For example, I ask questions like, “I want to implement feature x. It should be used like this… my plan to implement this is to do a, b, and c. Is my structure a good and professional solution to this implementation?” Usually, I get a really helpful and insightful response that optimizes my design. Sometimes I come up with a solution that might work, but gpt helps me come up with a better solution. This ends up teaching me so much because I actually absorb the information. Moreover, it helps me debug too. I find it as a shortcut to debugging. I see it as, I can spend 2-3 hours googling stuff, or I can spend about 45 minutes talking to gpt to pin point the bug and come up with a viable solution. All that said, what are your thoughts? Am I too reliant on it? Is this a “healthy” relationship with AI? I want to be a strong engineer. I don’t want to pick up sloppy habits and become a poor engineer. My perception of gpt is it’s a new resource to take advantage of. I need some input. What are your thoughts? Thanks!

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